Naviance helps students organize high school life

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Caught in the demands of high school, students can easily become overwhelmed.  Peninsula offers an online resource, Naviance, to aid students in organizing their life.  Naviance helps students manage their four years of high school, and plan life after college. It condenses various sources, including information about financial aid, testing dates, summer programs and college visits so they are less overwhelming.  Unfortunately, many students have not yet discovered the multiple capabilities of Naviance.

Beginning late February, students had the chance to explore Naviance as they signed up for classes for next year.  With this opportunity, College and Career Center director Terri Lewallen hoped to stir up interest in the website.  The results far exceeded her expectations when she experienced one of the most exciting days of her seven years at Peninsula.

“I witnessed the excitement of kids when they saw the potential [Naviance] had,” Lewallen said.  “I want Naviance to replace Facebook, I want that same kind of enthusiasm.”

One program that arouses such enthusiasm in students is the schedule of college representative visits.  Students view upcoming college visits, and choose which universities they are interested in.

“We have over 140 colleges visit our campus every year to speak with our students,” said College and Career Center advisor Teri Koyanagi. “The only way to sign up to meet with these representatives and to download a permission slip to be excused from class is through Naviance.”

Senior Dera Ikeme has taken advantage of the programs on Naviance, such as college search surveys.

“Naviance was really helpful junior year when I was looking up information on colleges,” Ikeme said. “As a senior, I use it to look for scholarships.  I would definitely recommend it to other students.”

Scholarships are a large feature on Naviance.  Complete with scholarship lists, applications, matches and national search options, students are able to utilize Naviance to discover which scholarships are relevant to them.

“The scholarships are such a great opportunity,” Lewallen said. “We want kids applying, and we are so grateful to our local community for providing these scholarships.”

In addition to providing scholarships, Naviance is a great communication tool.  Lewallen is able to electronically send messages to all users of Naviance, informing them of upcoming events.  She can also converse with colleagues and universities.

“I can communicate with teachers and colleges directly, even if I am out of town.” Lewallen said.

Naviance is a beneficial tool that should be taken advantage of from students.

Junior Monica Eskander said, “Naviance is a great because when I use it, I do not get stressed because it keeps me organized.”